Michelle Hoe-Richardson 8th June 2009

Dad, where do I start. I've dreamt many nightmares, but never one that has lasted soo long, one that is too painful to bare. I keep looking at my phone and longing for just one more text ..."love you xxx". I'll hold on to the wonderful and funny memories from the caravan last summer, the sayings you had that had me in hysterics "they're taking a reight tat ta". I know how much you doted on Lily, and I loved watching every minute you spent with them, teaching her to say "iya". They'll never forget you dad, I promise, I'll always remind and point out your pictures of the wonderful grandad they had. I'll always be so grateful of the last precious days we had with you. I never had the chance to say goodbye but I'm holding onto the memories when you kissed my hand, it took all your strength but it showed how determined you were right to the very end. Sleep peacfeully my brave dad I love you so very much. Michelle, Andy, Lewis & Lily Mae